陈振兴(Zhenxing Chen),工学博士、副教授、硕士生导师。主讲《通信原理》、《宽带无线通信》等课程。研究领域主要为无线通信、数字信号处理和电子对抗,主攻方向包括面向下一代无线通信的正交频分复用(OFDM)、多输入多输出(MIMO)、雷达信号处理、高维信号处理、索引调制、信道编/译码、通信系统建模/仿真/实现等技术。现主持或参与的国内外科研/教学项目20多项,发表国内外期刊及会议论文30多篇,授权或申请的国家发明专利、实用新型和软件著作权等30多项。
13、韩国电子通信研究院项目,A Research on the WiMedia UWB Transmission Scheme for Gbps Transmission,参与
14、韩国电子通信研究院项目,A Research on Standard Technology for High-Quality Video Streaming based on WiMedia,参与
15、韩国电子通信研究院项目,A Research on the Performance of Gbps Transmission for WiMedia UWB,参与
16、韩国电子通信研究院项目,A Research on the Highly Efficient Modulation Schemes for Improvement of the Quality of Services,参与
17、韩国知识经济部项目,Development of Embedded Software for Multicore-Based Avionics,参与
18、韩国知识经济部项目,Development of Wireless Communication Technology Based on the Sensor Networks on Vessels,参与
19、韩国教育科学技术部项目,A Study on the Coded Modulation Based on OFDM with 3-Dimensional Constellations,参与
20、韩国教育科学技术部项目,A Study on Modification of α-Stable Distribution for Practical Impulsive Noise Environment and Its Applications,参与
1、Mengyi Wang, Zhihui Chen, and Zhenxing Chen*, “Dual-Mode index modulation aided 3D-OFDM,” IEEE Communications letters, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 612-616, Mar. 2022.
2、Mengyi Wang, Zhihui Chen, and Zhenxing Chen*, “Energy-Efficient index modulation with in-phase/quadrature format in the generalized fading channel,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 117938-117948, Aug. 2021.
3、Tianye Huang, Xueyan Dang, Lei Han, Gangshun Zhang, Jianxing Pan, Yuhan Wang, and Zhenxing Chen*, “Dual-channel sensor based on Tamm plasmon polariton and defect mode hybridization in topological insulator covered photonic crystals,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1951-1957, June 2021.
4、Zhenxing Chen, Yi Lu, and Seog Geun Kang, “High-dimensional OFDM with in-phase/quadrature index modulation,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 44198-44206, Mar. 2021.
6、Xufan Zhang, Yong Wang, Zhenxing Chen, Jun Yan, and Dianhong Wang, “Saliency detection via image sparse representation and color features combination,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, no. 31-32, pp. 23147-23159, Aug. 2020.
7、Xufan Zhang, Yong Wang, Jun Yan, Zhenxing Chen, and Dianhong Wang, “A unified saliency detection framework for visible and infrared images,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, no. 25-26, pp. 17331-17348, July 2020.
8、Jianxing Pan, Zhenxing Chen, Tianye Huang, Shuwen Zeng, Zhuo Cheng, Pan, Huang, Xiang Zhao, Perry Ping Shum, and Gilberto Brambilla, “Simultaneous mid-infrared gas sensing and upconversion based on third harmonic generation in cascaded waveguides,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-12, April 2020.
9、Guizhen Xu, Jun Yan, Zhenxing Chen, Tianye Huang, Zhuo Cheng, Perry Ping Shum, and Gilberto Brambilla, “Design of germanium-silicon carbide hybrid waveguides for mid-infrared third-order parametric conversion,” Optics Communications, vol. 456, pp. 1-5, Feb. 2020.
10、Lei Han, Zhenxing Chen, Tianye Huang, Huafeng Ding, and Chuan Wu, “Sensitivity enhancement of Ag-ITO-TMDCs-Graphene Nanostructure based on surface plasmon resonance biosensors,” Plasmonics, (2020)15:693-701.
11、Yuan Xie, Zhenxing. Chen, Jun. Yan, Yiheng. Wu, Tianye. Huang, and Zhuo. Cheng, “Combination of surface plasmon polaritons and subwavelength grating for polarization beam splitting,” Plasmonics, (2020)15:235-241.
12、张祥莉,王勇,王典洪,陈振兴*,“四维信号星座图改进及相应OFDM系统模型设计”, 电子学报,48(8):1486-1492,2020.
13、Yuan Xie, Zhenxing Chen, Yiheng Wu, Yangcheng Zhao, Tianye Huang, and Zhuo Cheng, “Bloch supermode interaction for high-performance polarization bean splitting,” Optical Engineering, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 095102.1-5, Sep. 2019.
14、Zhenxing Chen, Jiaheng Liu, Shuang Li, and Seog Geun Kang, “New 3D 16-ary signal constellations and their symbol error probabilities in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2018, Article ID 7178631, 6 pages, 2018.
15、Shuang Li, Shicheng Zhang, Zhenxing Chen, and Seog Geun Kang, “A hybrid decoding of Reed-Muller codes,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 13, no. 2, 8 pages, 2017.
16、薛伟,童蓬,陈振兴,“一种新的LTE系统频偏估计算法”,测控技术,第34卷,第4期,124-127, 2015.
17、Zhenxing Chen and Seog Geun Kang, “A Three-Dimensional OFDM System with PAPR Reduction Method for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, Article ID 312308, 6 pages, 2014.
19、Seog Geun Kang, Zhenxing Chen, Ju Yeong Kim, Jin Sub Bae, and Jong-Soo Lim, “Construction of higher-level 3-D signal constellations and their accurate symbol error probabilities in AWGN,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 6267-6272, Dec. 2011.
20、Zhenxing Chen and Seog Geun Kang, “Three-dimensional modulation formats with constant power for optical communications,” Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 23, pp. 22358-22363, Nov. 2011.
21、Zhenxing Chen, Eun Chang Choi, and Seog Geun Kang, “Closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability of 3-D OFDM,” IEEE Communications letters, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 112-114, Feb. 2010.
22、Zhenxing Chen, Chae Cheol Choe, and Seog Geun Kang, “Performance of typical 3-D signal constellations in Rayleigh fading channel,” Journal of Broadcast Engineering (Korea), vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 680-683, July 2011.
23、Zhenxing Chen and Seog Geun Kang, “A voice coding technique for application to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard,” Journal of Broadcast Engineering (Korea), vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 612-621, Sep. 2008.
24、Xiangyang Dai, Wei Xue, Yan Luo, and Zhenxing Chen, “A new velocity estimation method for ground penetrating radar,” 第十三届中国国际地球电磁学术研讨会,武汉,湖北,2017.
25、Shuang Ma, Zhenxing Chen, and Seog Geun Kang, “Performance analysis of 3-D data transmission system in the presence of impulsive noise,” 2012 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), pp. 601-602, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 2012.
26、Zhenxing Chen and Seog Geun Kang, “An FPGA implementation of 3-D signal transmission system,” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 368-369, Las Vegas, Jan. 2012.
27、Zhenxing Chen, Jin Sub Bae, Se-Kyo Chung, Jin-Whan Koh, and Seog Geun Kang, “Multi-envelope 3-dimensional constellations for polarization shift keying modulation,” 2010 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), pp. 173-174, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 2010.
28、Zhenxing chen and Seog Geun Kang, “Probability of symbol error of OFDM system with 3-Dimensional signal constellations,” IEEE 13th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, ISCE’09, pp. 442-446, Kyoto, Japan, May 2009.
29、Zhenxing Chen, Seog Geun Kang, Eun Chang Choi, and Jae Doo Huh, “Multistage waveform coding for voice communication over Zigbee networks,” Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE’09, pp. 1-2, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2009.
30、Chae Cheol Choe, Zhenxing Chen, and Seog Geun Kang, “Design of a new 3-D 16-ary signal constellation with constant envelope,” Next Generation Communication Software (NCS), 2010, Korea.
31、Zhenxing Chen, Zijing Zhang, Jin Sub Bae, Seog Geun Kang, Eun Chang Choi, and Jae Doo Huh, “Non-constant envelop 3-dimensional signal constellations for digital communication,” Next Generation Communication Software (NCS), 2008, Korea.
32、Zhenxing Chen, Eun Chang Choi, Jae Doo Huh, and Seog Geun Kang, “Performance of a multi-stage DWT for transmission of audio signals over low-rate WPANs,” Korea Signal Processing Conference (KSPC), 2007, Korea.
2、陈振兴, 殷蔚明,“基于通信原理课程的多维度本科教学探索实践,” 教育教学论坛,第46期,页码:241-242,2017年11月.
2、陈振兴,张煜蓉,“基于四维信号插入技术降低OFDM系统峰均功率比软件V1.0”,登记号2019SR0883468 3、张煜蓉,陈振兴,“基于三维信号插入技术降低OFDM系统峰均功率比软件V1.0”,登记号2019SR0883474
5、 吴云涛,陈振兴,“基于MIMO的四维索引调制正交频分复用系统软件V1.0”,登记号2021SR1657249