2012.07-2020.11 某研究所重点工程设计师
2007.09-2012.07 华中科技大学,机械科学与工程学院,数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室,博士
2009.08-2011.07 美国亚利桑那大学,航天与机械工程系,联合培养
[1] Jingjing Lin, Guojun Wen, Yuchen Xia and Ke Lin, Research on product image generation method based on diffusion model and multi-modal control, 2025(SCI,在投)
[2] Yuchen Xia, Guojun Wen, Shuang Meia, Shaohua Mao, Yang Yu, Jingjing Lin and Ke Lin, LFADF-Net A Lightweight Feature Adaptive Dynamic Fusion Net for Ship Fire Detection, 2025(SCI,在投)
[3] 骆熠,文国军,林科,基于DSC-ResNet50的路面识别方法研究.武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2024,
[4] Lu Yongjin, Lin Ke, Han Hairong, Research on automatic construction of a multi-resolution 3D design knowledge graph for maritime vessels,3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Data Processing,EIEDP 2024(EI), 2024
[5] Huasheng Xu, Ke Lin, Shaohua Mao, Jie Wang, Yanming Ding, Kaihua Lu Numerical investigation of air curtain jet effect upon the compartment-facade fire safety protection based on temperature evolution and thermal impact,Thermal science and engineering progess,2023,(SCI,T2)
[6] Long Wen, Shaoquan Su,Bin Wang a, Jian Ge, Liang Gao, Ke Lin A new multi-sensor fusion with hybrid Convolutional Neural Network with Wiener model for remaining useful life estimation,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2023,(SCI,T2)
[7] 文国军,刘思远,赵权,林科,基于 Unity 的船浪实时交互运动可视化系统,计算机系统应用,2023
[8] K.Lin, Samy Missoum, etc. Parallel Construction of Explicit Boundaries using Support Vector Machines. Engineering Computations (SCI,T4). 2011.
[9] KeLin, Haobo Qiu, Tao Wu and Zhihui Yao. A local minimum sampling strategy for the construction of boundaries using support vector machines. 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (EI). 2012
[10] K.Lin, H.B.Qiu, L.Gao, etc. Comparison of Stochastic Response Surface Method and Response Surface Method for Structure Reliability Analysis. The Second International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation. 172-175. ICICTA'09 (EI ). 2009.
[11] Y.F.Sun, H.B.Qiu, L.Gao, K.Lin, etc. Stochastic Response Surface Method Based on Weighted Regression and Its Application to Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Crankshaft. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 13-19, IMECE2009 (EI). 2009.
[12] X.Y.Shao, K.Lin, L.Gao, H.B.Qiu. Research on Tolerance Analysis System of 3D Collaborative Design Platform. 253-259, Materials and Product Technologies (EI). 2008.
[13] 林科、夏雨晨等 船舶火灾检测方法、装置、设备及存储介质 202411435182.5
[14] 林科等,国防专利:一种XXXXX布置优化方案快速生成方法 ZL201618011450.0
[15] 林科等,国防专利:一种XX主横隔壁划分方法 ZL201318004473.5
[16] 徐青(院士) 林科等 驱逐舰概念设计,国防工业出版社 2019