姓名:蒋宏勇, 教授, 地大学者/青年拔尖人才
地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区, 鲁磨路388号, 中国地质大学(武汉)
机械与电子信息学院(教二楼) 327办公室
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在Compos. Sci. Technol., Compos. Part B., Aerosp. Sci. Technol.和航空学报等SCI/EI期刊上发表论文60余篇(第一作者或通讯作者40余篇,高被引论文3篇、总引用1700余次,谷歌学术H-指数为28,其中航空学报论文入选中国知网三高论文,入选2024年度领跑者(F5000),授权或申请国家发明专利11项、软著7项。担任J. Bionic. Eng.、航空材料学报、材料工程、J. Cent. South. Univ.等SCI/EI期刊的青年编委;担任Aerosp., Front. in Mech. Eng., Mater等期刊的客座编辑,担任VISER数据库机械工程专家委员会委员,担任Compos. Sci. Technol.等国内外学术期刊评审专家。
n 2021.05-----至今: 中国地质大学, 机械与电子信息学院, 机械工程, 教授
n 2019.09-2020.10: University of Western Australia, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Supervisor: Prof. Xiaozhi Hu, 胡晓智教授(国家级人才)
n 2017.09-2021.04: 湖南大学, 机械与运载工程学院, 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室, 机械工程, 博士, 导师: 任毅如教授(国家级人才)
n 2015.09-2017.06: 湖南大学, 机械与运载工程学院, 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室, 车辆工程, 硕士, 导师: 任毅如教授(国家级人才)
n 主讲课程:机械制图I(本科)、汽车碰撞安全与结构轻量化设计(硕士)、复合材料结构设计与3D打印制造(博士)
n 教学项目:“六卓越一拔尖计划”2.0及一流专业建设项目, “机械设计制造及其自动化”国家一流专业建设, 2024. (参与)
担任J. Bionic. Eng.、J. Cent. South Univ.、Mater.、中南大学学报、航空材料学报、材料工程等SCI/EI期刊的青年编委;担任Aerosp., Front. Mech. Eng., Materials等SCI/EI期刊的客座编辑;担任中国复合材料学会增材制造分会委员;担任VISER数据库机械工程专家委员会委员;加入中国力学学会会员、中国复合材料学会会员、中国复合材料学会增材制造分会委员-复合材料结构设计分会委员;担任Composites Science and Technology、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Scientific Reports, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Composites Part B: Engineering, Thin-Walled Structures, Composite Structures, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Materials Today Communications, Journal of Composite Materials, Defence Technology, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Biomaterials Science, 复合材料学报和中国机械工程学报等20余个国内外学术期刊评审专家。
1. 湖北省自然科学基金, 混杂纤维复合材料层合板的湿-热-力耦合劣化机理研究, 2025-2026. (主持, 在研)
2. 江苏省(双创)创新创业人才计划(双创团队人才), 多功能大直径正反向钻孔装备研发及产业化, 2025-2027. (团队核心人才, 2/3, 在研)
3. 湖北省重大科技计划项目, 高速高精重载智能XXX关键技术研究及装备研发. 2024. 项目骨干, 在研)
4. 工程材料与结构冲击振动四川省重点实验室开放基金, 拉胀复合材料结构优化设计与增材制造, 2025-2026. (主持, 在研)
5. 惠州市三协精密有限公司, 锂离子电池储能系统模组PACK生产线研发, 2025. (主持, 在研)
6. 四川省自然科学基金, 湿-热-力耦合环境下混杂纤维复合材料力学性能的演化规律及影响机理研究, 2025-2027. (主持, 在研)
7. 国防XXX重大专项, XXX(结构优化设计与热力学分析、测试与评估方法等), 2024-2027. (子课题主研, 项目总经费1.55亿)
8. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目, 考虑增材制造因素的拉胀复合材料拓扑结构多尺度优化设计方法, 2025-2027. (合作, 在研)
9. 江苏和信石油机械有限公司, 复合材料石油钻杆设计与仿真分析技术研究, 2024-2025. (主持, 在研)
10. 湖北省重点研发计划项目, 重载移动式龙门铣削装备及关键技术研究, 2024-2027. (项目骨干, 在研)
11. 重庆市自然科学基金, 混杂纤维复合材料湿热耦合多尺度损伤建模与老化性能评估, 2024-2026. (主持, 在研)
12. XX军工合作项目, XX夹层结构宏细观一体化抗冲击设计方法研究, 2024.3-2025.1. (主持, 已结题)
13. 湖北省教育厅科学技术指导性科研项目, 混杂纤维复合材料3D打印工艺对孔隙缺陷与性能的影响及评估方法, 2024.1-2025.12. (主持, 在研)
14. 江苏盐城“黄海明珠人才计划”领军人才项目, 抽水蓄能电站压力管道斜井智能建设 装备研发及产业化, 2024-2026. (主持, 在研)
15. 浙江省基础公益研究计划自然科学基金探索项目, 混杂连续纤维复合材料细观结构3D打印成形机理与损伤评估, 2024.1-2026.12. (主持, 在研)
16. xx预研教育部联合基金(创新团队), ……结构设计与增材制造, 2023. (项目骨干, 在研)
17. 国家重点研发计划子课题, 内部精细流道增材制造在空间推进领域应用示范, 2022.10. (项目骨干, 在研)
18. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助, 湿热耦合环境下复合材料多尺度动态本构损伤模型研究, 2022.12-2024.11. (主持, 已结题)
19. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目, 深海极端环境下HFRP耐压壳服役性能衰变机理与全寿命可控设计, 2023.01-2025.12. (主持, 在研)
20. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金省市(粤深)联合基金项目, 湿-热-力循环服役环境下CFRP/KFRP混杂薄壁结构冲击吸能机理与服役寿命预测, 2022.11-2025.10. (主持, 已结题)
21. 中国地质大学青年拔尖高层次人才科研启动经费, 连续纤维复合材料结构设计与3D打印研究, 2021.05-2026.04. (主持, 在研)
22. 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室资助项目, CFRP/铝合金粘接接头受冲击后的微裂纹修复与剩余剪切强度, 2021.12-2023.10. (主持, 已结题)
23. 湖北省博士后创新研究项目, 层间混杂纤维复合材料吸能结构耐撞性, 2021.08-2023.07. (主持, 已结题)
24. 中-澳国家留学基金委博士联合培养项目, Lightweight design and manufacturing of composite structures for new energy vehicles, 2019.10-2020.11. (主持, 已结题)
25. 湖北三江航天红林探控有限公司, 基于3D打印的超高缓冲保护金属复合材料结构研发与验证, 2021.05-2022.4. (参与, 已结题)
26. 湖南省科研创新项目, 复合材料在湿热复杂环境下的多尺度冲击损伤研究, 2018.10-2020.09. (主持, 已结题)
27. 武汉市科技局曙光计划, 增材制造个性化矫形支具的设计优化与协同仿真, 2021-2023. (主要参与, 已结题)
28. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 交变湿热载荷下运载装备CFRP薄壁结构多尺度吸能机理研究, 2021.01-2024.12. (主要参与, 已结题)
29. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目, 汽车碰撞安全性分析与优化设计, 2018.01-2022.12. (主要参与, 已结题)
30. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 飞行器复合材料吸能结构破坏机理研究, 2015.10-2017.09. (主要参与, 已结题)
31. 中国航空研究院合作科研项目, 民机热塑性复合材料结构后屈曲特性研究, 2019.01-2019.12. (参与, 已结题)
32. 中国飞机强度研究所项目, 典型金属-复合材料连接结构建模与分析方法研究, 2019.01-2022.12. (参与, 已结题)
33. Australian Research Council, Predicting strength of porous materials: A microstructure-based approach, 2018.01-2020.12. (参与, 已结题)
34. 横向项目, 500L加热冷却田间发酵装置研发, 2023. (参与, 已结题)
1. Liu X#1, Jiang H#1, Han G, Sun Q*. Crashworthiness and failure mechanism regulation of 3D-printed Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) lattice coupled with column struts. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2025. (中科院2区)
2. Liu X, Zhang L, Li Z, Jiang H*. Experimental study on hydrothermal aging of 3D-printed hybrid composite trapezoidal structures with continuous carbon-fiber and short carbon-fiber. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2025: 109351. (中科院1区)
3. Ju J, Yang N, Yu L, Jiang H*. Experiment and Simulation Study on the Crashworthiness of Markforged 3D-Printed Carbon/Kevlar Hybrid Continuous Fiber Composite Honeycomb Structures. Materials, 2025, 18(1): 192. (中科院3区)
4. Guo K, Liu X, Ren Y, Jiang H*. Hydrothermal aging and durability prediction of 3D-printed hybrid fiber composites with continuous carbon/Kevlar-fiber and short carbon-fiber. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 167: 108958. (中科院1区)
5. Guo K, Jiang H*. Multi-scale moisture diffusion modeling and analysis of carbon/Kevlar-fiber hybrid composite laminates under the hygrothermal aging environment. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2024, 229:110952. (中科院1区)
6. Jiang H, Liu X, Liu Z*, Ren Y. Topology optimization design and mechanical properties of 3D-printed solid-lattice hybrid structures with variable-density or iso-density. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2023. (中科院2区)
7. Yang Y, Jiang H*. Synergistic strengthening mechanism of bio-helical unidirectional-basalt/weave-carbon fiber hybrid composite laminates subjected to quasi-static penetration. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024, 154:109475. (中科院1区)
8. Zhang A, Jiang H, Hu R, Ren Y, Jiang S. Effects of surface micro-texturing laser-etching on adhesive property and failure behaviors of basalt fiber composite single-lap-joint. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2024, 135:103831. (中科院3区)
9. Deng Y, Yang Y, Jiang H, Ren Y. On lateral crashworthiness and failure mechanisms of multi-fibers hybrid composite corrugated structures with carbon, glass, Kevlar. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024; 198:111689. (中科院1区)
10. Wang H, Liu Z, Liu Z, Ren Y, Jiang H*. Hybrid effects and failure mechanisms of carbon/Kevlar fiber composite laminates under the bending-after-impact loading. Engineering Structures, 2023. (IF=5.5, 中科院2区)
11. Jiang S, Zhang A, Zhan X*, Jiang H. Surface microtexturing design, laser-etching and adhesive failure of aluminum alloy single-lap-joint: Experiment and simulation. Thin-Walled Structure, 2023. (IF=6.4, 中科院1区)
12. Jiang S, Hu R, Ren Y, Jiang H*. Hierarchical microstructure design of CFRP/Al interface with ZnO-nanostructures and Modified Resin Pre-Coating: Nano-mechanical interlocking. Composite Structures, 2023; 322:117429. (IF=6.3, 中科院1区)
13. Wang Y, Han G, Ren Y, Jiang H*. Flexural behaviors and failure mechanisms of CFRP sandwich structures with enhanced dual-phase lattice cores. Composite Structures. (IF=6.3, 中科院1区)
14. Liu X, Wang Y, Liu X, Ren Y, Jiang H*. Synergetic control mechanism for enhancing energy-absorption of 3D-printed lattice structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023; 108711. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区)
15. Guo K (共一), Liu X (共一), Ren Y, Jiang H*. Experimental study on crashworthiness and failure mechanisms of aeronautical multi-fibers hybrid composite corrugated structures with Carbon, Glass, Kevlar. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023. (IF=5.6, 中科院1区)
16. Jiang H, Yang Y, Liu X, et al. High-efficient improvement in flexural properties of carbon/Kevlar-fiber hybrid composites by CNT-toughening only between xenogeneic fiber-layers. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023; 190:110984. (IF=6.4, 中科院1区)
17. Jiang H*, Liu X, Jiang S, Ren Y. Hybrid effects on the flexural behavior of hybrid fiber composites by interactive failure mechanisms: carbon/Kevlar, carbon/glass, carbon/glass/Kevlar. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 133:108105. (IF=5.6, 中科院1区)
18. Han G, Wang Y, Liu X, Ren Y, Jiang H*. Design and strengthening mechanisms of dual-phase lattice energy-absorbing structure based on shear-banding controlling. Applied Composite Materials, 2023. (IF=2.181, 中科院3区)
19. Deng Y, Jiang H, Ren Y*. Low-velocity impact resistance behaviors of bionic double-helicoidal composite laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区)
20. Jiang H, Ren Y*. CFRP-patching enhancement on open-hole CFRP panel with micro/ nanofillers-modified adhesive interface: Experimental and numerical simulation. Composites Science and Technology, 2022, 218:109180. (IF=9.879, 中科院1区)
21. Jiang H, Wang Y, Ren Y*. Controllable energy-absorption behaviors of the perforated CFRP tube with an adhesively bonded CFRP patch. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 181:110015. (IF=5.881, 中科院1区)
22. Jiang H, Ji Y, Hu Y, Hu X*, Ren Y*. Interfacial design and flexural property of CFRP/ aluminum-honeycomb sandwich with Aramid-pulp micro/nano-fiber interlays. Composite Structures, 2022, 289:115486. (IF=6.3, 中科院1区)
23. 郝亮, 何萌, 蒋宏勇, 等. 基于地质矿物启发的穿戴结构设计与增材制造. 宝石和宝石学杂志, 2022, 24(5):258-268.
24. Jiang H, Cheng F, Hu Y, et al. Micro-mechanics modeling of compressive strength and elastic modulus enhancement in unidirectional CFRP with aramid pulp micro/nano-fiber interlays. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 206:108664. (IF=9.879, 中科院1区)
25. Ren Y*, Jiang H, Gao B, et al. A progressive intraply material deterioration and delamination based failure model for the crashworthiness of fabric composite corrugated beam: Parameter sensitivity analysis. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2018, 135:49-71. (IF=13.1, 中科院1区)
26. 蒋宏勇, 任毅如*, 袁秀良, 等. 基于非线性渐进损伤模型的复合材料波纹梁耐撞性能研究. 航空学报, 2017, 38(6):22717. (EI)
27. 任毅如, 蒋宏勇* (通讯), 金其多, 等. 仿生负泊松比拉胀内凹蜂窝结构耐撞性研究. 航空学报, 2020, 41(23978): 1-11. (EI,高PCSI论文).
28. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Jin Q, et al. Flexural performances of fiber face-sheets/corrugated core sandwich composite structures reinforced by horizontal stiffeners. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 168:105307. (IF=7.3, 中科院1区)
29. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu X, et al. Enhancing residual energy-absorption of perforated CFRP tube by a critical transition of failure mechanism. Composite Structures, 2020, 253:112811. (IF=6.603, 中科院1区)
30. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu Z, et al. Low-velocity impact resistance behaviors of bio-inspired helicoidal composite laminates with non-linear rotation angle based layups. Composite Structures, 2019, 214:463-475. (IF=6.603, 中科院1区)
31. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Xiang J, et al. Numerical investigation on links between the stacking sequence and energy absorption characteristics of fabric and unidirectional composite sinusoidal plate. Composite Structures, 2017, 171:382-402. (IF=6.603, 中科院1区)
32. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Xiang J, et al. Design of novel plug-type triggers for composite square tubes: enhancement of energy-absorption capacity and inducing failure mechanisms. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 131-132:113-136. (IF=6.772, 中科院1区)
33. Jiang H, Ren Y*. Crashworthiness and failure analysis of steeple-triggered hat-shaped composite structure under the axial and oblique crushing load. Composite Structure, 2019, 229:111375. (IF=6.603, 中科院1区)
34. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu Z. Micro- and macro-scale prediction for axial cutting machining behaviors of 2D tri-axially braided composites. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 156:1-13. (IF=7.3, 中科院1区)
35. Ren Y, Jiang H*, Liu Z. Evaluation of double- and triple-coupled triggering mechanisms to improve crashworthiness of composite tubes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 157:1-12. (IF=7.3, 中科院1区)
36. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Jin Q. A novel synergistic multi-scale modeling framework to predict micro- and meso-scale damage behaviors of 2D triaxially braided composite. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2021. (IF=4.2, 中科院2区)
37. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Jin Q, et al. Crashworthiness of novel concentric auxetic reentrant honeycomb with negative Poisson's ratio biologically inspired by coconut palm. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 154:106911. (IF= 5.881, 中科院1区)
38. Ren Y, Deng Y, Jiang H*. On core reinforcement design for improving the flexural energy-absorption of corrugated sandwich composite structure. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020. (IF=5.7, 中科院1区)
39. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu Z. Numerical prediction for effects of fiber orientation on perforation resistance behaviors of patch-repaired composite panel subjected to projectile impact. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 144:106325. (IF=5.881, 中科院1区)
40. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu Z, et al. Multi-scale analysis for mechanical properties of fiber bundle and damage characteristics of 2D triaxially braided composite panel under shear loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 132:276-286. (IF=5.881, 中科院1区)
41. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Gao B, et al. Research on the progressive damage model and trigger geometry of composite waved beam to improve crashworthiness. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 119:531-543. (IF=5.881, 中科院1区)
42. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Xiang J. A numerical study on the energy-absorption of fibre metal laminate conical frusta under quasi-static compression loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 124:278-290. (IF=5.881, 中科院1区)
43. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu Z. Microscale finite element analysis for predicting effects of air voids on mechanical properties of single fiber bundle in composites. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(2):1363-1381. (IF=4.5, 中科院3区)
44. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Zhang S, et al. Multi-scale finite element analysis for tension and ballistic penetration damage characterizations of 2D triaxially braided composite. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(14):10071-10094. (IF=4.5, 中科院3区)
45. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Zhang S, et al. Damage and perforation resistance behaviors induced by projectile impact load on bonding-patch repaired and scarf-patch repaired composite laminates. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2018, 28(4):502-537. (IF=4.2, 中科院2区)
46. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Liu Z, et al. Evaluations of failure initiation criteria for predicting damages of composite structures under crushing loading. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2018, 37(21):1279-1303. (IF=3.71, 中科院3区)
47. Ren Y, Wang N, Jiang H*, et al. Numerical evaluation of planar compression performances of composite sandwich panel with X-, Y-, and A-shaped core. Journal of Composite Materials, 2020. (IF=2.591, 中科院4区)
48. Jiang H, Ren Y*, Zheng J. Gradient degraded material-induced trigger to improve crashworthiness of composite tubes in a controlled manner. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2019, 39(1-2):60-77. (IF=3.71, 中科院3区)
49. Ren Y*, Jiang H, Ji W, et al. Improvement of progressive damage model to predicting crashworthy composite corrugated plate. Applied Composite Materials, 2018, 25(1):45-66. (IF=2.181, 中科院3区, 高倍引)
50. Zhang S, Jiang H, Ren Y*, et al. Multi-scale progressive damage model for analyzing the failure mechanisms of 2D triaxially braided composite under uniaxial compression loads. Applied Composite Materials, 2018, 25(4):921-938. (IF=2.3, 中科院3区)
51. Gao B, Ren Y*, Jiang H, et al. Sensitivity analysis-based variable screening and reliability optimisation for composite fuselage frame crashworthiness design. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2020. (IF=2.055, 中科院4区)
52. Ren Y*, Liu Z, Jiang H, et al. A novel multi-stage stacked triggering method to induce progressive failure behaviors of composite corrugated plate. Applied Composite Materials, 2020, 27(1):55-74. (IF=2.3, 中科院3区)
53. Liu X, Jiang H, Ren Y*, et al. Effects of global and local ply-reinforcements of critical components on crush performances of 2D tri-axially braided CFRP J-shaped fuselage frame. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2020. (IF=2.055)
54. Ren Y*, Zhang S, Jiang H, et al. Meso-scale progressive damage behavior characterization of triaxial braided composites under quasi-Static tensile load. Applied Composite Materials, 2018, 25:335-352. (IF=2.3, 中科院3区)
55. Liu Z, Jiang H, Ren Y*, et al. Crashworthiness and failure analysis of steeple-triggered hat-shaped composite structure under the axial and oblique crushing load. Polymer Composites, 2019, 40(5):1708-1717. (IF=2, 中科院3区)
56. Jin Q, Ren Y*, Jiang H. A higher-order size-dependent beam model for nonlinear mechanics of fluid-conveying FG nanotubes incorporating surface energy. Composite Structures, 2021 269, 114022. (IF=6.603, 中科院1区)
57. Deng Y, Ren Y*, Jiang H. Bionic-bamboo design for enhancing the crashworthiness of composite tube with groove trigger subjected to oblique load. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 206:106635. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区)
58. 邓亚斌, 任毅如*, 蒋宏勇. 复合材料吸能圆管在半圆凹槽触发机制下的斜向压溃失效行为. 复合材料学报, 2022, 39(4): 1796-1804. (EI)
59. 程飞*, 蒋宏勇. 基于芳纶pulp优化的碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料的抗损伤性能及残余抗压强度. 复合材料学报, 2021. (EI)
60. Ren Y*, Ran T, Jiang H. Energy-absorption assessments of perforated CFRP tube induced by inward-splaying trigger with different trigger radius. Thin-walled Structures, 2021, 167:108236. (IF=5.881, 中科院1区)
61. 金其多, 任毅如*, 胡绚, 蒋宏勇. 含黏弹性夹芯FG-GRC后屈曲梁的低速冲击响应. 力学学报, 2020. (EI)
62. Jin Q, Ren Y*, Peng F, Jiang H. Imperfection sensitivity of free vibration of symmetrically/ anti-symmetrically laminated FRC beams in thermally pre-and post-buckling equilibrium states. Acta Astronautica, 2020, 173:240-251. (IF=2.413, 中科院2区)
63. Ran T, Ren Y*, Jiang H. Design and assessments of gradient chamfer trigger for enhancing energy-absorption of CFRP square tube. Applied Composite Materials, 2022: 1-20.
64. Lv R, Ren Y*, Liu Z, Jiang H. Energy absorption characteristics and failure mechanism of fabric composite channel section structure under axial crushing Loading. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022, 35(4): 04022046.
1. 蒋宏勇, 任毅如. 基于微观尺度方法的纤维丝断裂缺陷对纤维束力学性能的影响分析. 第20届全国复合材料学术会议 (NCCM-20th), 大连, 中国, 2018.
2. 蒋宏勇, 任毅如. 子弹冲击载荷诱导的贴补和填补修复的复合材料层合板的损伤穿透抵抗行为. 中国力学大会, 北京, 中国, 2017.
3. 蒋宏勇, 任毅如. 纤维面板/波纹夹芯夹层复合材料结构的抗弯性能增强设计. 中国力学大会, 杭州, 中国, 2019.
4. Jiang H, Ren Y. Evaluation of double- and triple-coupled triggering mechanisms to improve crashworthiness of composite tubes. International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures (ICOMP), Wuhan, China, 2019.
5. Jiang H, Ren Y. Axial energy absorption characteristics of multi-concentric cell honeycomb structures biologically inspired by palm tree body. International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures (ICOMP), Wuhan, China, 2018.
6. Jiang H, Ren Y. Research on the failure model and trigger geometry of composite waved beam to improve crashworthiness. International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE-24th), Haikou, China, 2016.
1. 任毅如, 蒋宏勇, 金其多. 一种基于耦合变形失效机理的波纹夹芯夹层复合材料结构. 2021-8-4, 中国, 202110891136.6.
2. 任毅如, 冉滔, 蒋宏勇. 一种层间增韧复合材料及其制备方法. 2021-11-9, 中国, 202111323554.1.
3. 任毅如, 杨宏源, 蒋宏勇, 金其多. 一种基于梯度加强筋触发的复合材料波纹夹芯结构. 2021-10-27, 中国, 202111252463.3.
4. 任毅如, 冉滔, 蒋宏勇. 一种三重耦合触发结构及其应用. 2021-11-9, 中国, 202111318153.7.
5. 丁华锋, 蒋宏勇, 赵钧羡. 一种抽水蓄能电站地下隧道竖井掘进钻机. 2023-8-29, 中国, ZL 2022 1 0595059.4.
6. 窦斌, 蒋宏勇, 赵钧羡. 一种抽水蓄能电站压力管道井开挖用盾构钻机. 2023-6-16, 中国, ZL 2022 1 0511183.8.
7. 赵钧羡, 窦斌, 丁华锋, 蒋宏勇. 一种大直径盾构机用滚刀快速换刀装置. 2022-11-29, 中国, ZL 2022 1 1513269.0.
1. 任毅如, 蒋宏勇. 考虑制造工艺性能的复合材料结构损伤评估建模与分析软件V1.0, 2022SR1592606, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2022-8-19.
2. 任毅如, 蒋宏勇. 飞行器复合材料结构渐进损伤分析软件V1.0, 2022SR1609342, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2022-2-17.
3. 任毅如, 蒋宏勇. 飞行器复合材料结构多尺度分析软件V1.0, 2023SR0003386, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2022-1-13.
1. 中国航空学会自然科学奖(排名第二), 2024.
2. 中国复合材料学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖, 中国复合材料学会, 2023.
3. 湖南省优秀博士学位论文, 湖南省教育厅, 2023.
4. 湖南大学优秀博士学位论文, 湖南大学, 2023.
5. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 国家教育部, 2020.
6. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 国家教育部, 2019.
7. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 国家教育部, 2018.
8. 湖南大学优秀博士奖学金, 湖南大学, 2018.
9. 湖南大学优秀博士奖学金, 湖南大学, 2017.
10. 宝钢优秀学生奖, 宝钢教育基金, 2020
11. “十佳泰豪之星” 奖学金, 湖南大学与泰豪科技企业, 2018.
12. 湖南省优秀博士研究生 “标兵” , 湖南省教育厅, 2020.
13. 湖南大学优秀博士研究生, 湖南大学, 2020.
14. 湖南大学优秀博士研究生, 湖南大学, 2019.
15. 湖南大学优秀博士研究生, 湖南大学, 2018.
16. 湖南省优秀博士毕业生, 湖南省教育厅, 2021
17. 湖南省优秀硕士学位论文, 湖南省教育厅, 2019.
18. 湖南大学优秀硕士学位论文, 湖南大学, 2017.
19. 湖南大学优秀硕士研究生, 湖南大学, 2017.
1. 【论文】指导学生发表论文情况见【学术成果】部分.
2. 【项目】刘薛峰(李四光计划本科生),全国大学生创新创业项目(国家级重点,2万).
3. 【项目】孙桢、邵羽(卓越班本科生),全国大学生创新创业项目(国家级重点,2万).
4. 【项目】刘薛峰(李四光计划本科生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
5. 【项目】蔡佳骏(本科生),全国大学生创新创业项目(学术科研专项,省部级)
6. 【项目】胡如意(研究生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
7. 【项目】郭凯晋(研究生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
8. 【项目】孙桢(本科生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
9. 【项目】张礼桃(研究生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
10. 【项目】张龙(研究生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
11. 【项目】赵袁鑫(本科生),中国地质大学实验室开放基金项目.
12. 【奖学金】指导杨源研究生获得国家奖学金2万
13. 【奖学金】指导郭凯晋研究生获得国家奖学金2万
14. 【奖学金】指导张澳研究生获得国家奖学金2万
15. 【奖学金】指导王逸豪研究生获得太合创新奖学金1万
16. 【奖学金】指导胡如意研究生获得太合创新奖学金1万
17. 【出国访学】王逸豪(研究生),获得韩国汉阳大学国际交流访学资格.
18. 【出国访学】刘新程(研究生),获得韩国汉阳大学国际交流访学资格.
19. 【出国访学】刘薛峰(李四光计划本科生),获得韩国汉阳大学国际交流访学资格.
20. 【升学】刘薛峰(李四光计划本科生),获得华中科技大学直接攻读博士学位资格.
21. 【升学】钱泥贵(本科生),获得华中科技大学直接攻读博士学位资格.
22. 【升学】王逸豪(研究生),获得湖南大学攻读博士学位资格.
23. 【比赛】蔡丁辉等本科生团队,“仿生蝴蝶”获得全国机械创新大赛(省级一等奖,湖北省第二名).
24. 【奖励】王逸豪(研究生),获得中国地质大学(武汉)优秀学位论文.
25. 【奖励】刘薛峰(李四光计划本科生),获得中国地质大学(武汉)优秀学位论文.